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Kostas Buraselis
(发布日期: 2018-07-06 09:46:03  阅读:次)    

Kostas Buraselis


?   Education and work exprience


-         1968-1973, Undergraduate study and diploma of History & Archaeology at the Faculty of Philosophy/ Dept. of History & Archaeology of the University of Athens.

-         1973-1979, Postgraduate study and doctor`s degree (Dr.phil.) in Ancient History, with Greek and German scholarships, at the Philipps-Universit?t Marburg (Germany).

-         1980-1985, Research fellow of the Research Centre for Antiquity at the Academy of Athens.

-         1985-1989, First elected director of the same Centre.

-         1989-2000, Associate professor of Ancient History at the University of Athens.

-         2000-, Professor of Ancient History at the University of Athens.

-         1991-1996, 1998-2000, 2001-2005, Director of the Library of History at the University of Athens.

-         2005-2007, 2009-, Head of the Department of History and Archaeology .

-         2007-2010, Head of the Committee of International Relations/ University of Athens.


?   Main interests:


Political and institutional history of the Hellenistic world and the Roman imperial period in the Greek East, ancient ruler cult, modern historiography on the ancient world


?   Publications within five years


Books :

- THEIA DOREA. Studies on the Policy of the Severans and the Constitutio Antoniniana, German edition at the Academy of Vienna2007.


Editor of:

- Mythos with logos. Dialogues on the Essence and Timeless Value of Ancient Greek Myths, Athens, 2007.


- The Contribution of Ancient Sparta to Political Theory and Practice, Athens, 2007.


- The Athenian Democracy: Speaking Trough Its Inscriptions, Athens (Epigraphical Museum), 2009.


Articles and other scholarly publications:

- Priesthoods for Sale. Comments on Ideological and Financial Aspects of the Sale of Priesthoods in the Greek Cities of the Hellenistic and Roman Periods, in: An. Holm Rasmussen & S. William Rasmussen (eds.), Religion and Society. Rituals, Resources and Identity in the Ancient Graeco-Roman World, Roma, 2008, pp. 125-31.


- Woven into the Peplos: Aspects of the Combination of Ruler Cult with Elements of the Traditional Polis Identity in the Hellenistic World, in: An. Holm Rasmussen & S. William Rasmussen (eds.), Religion and Society. Rituals, Resources and Identity in the Ancient Graeco-Roman World, Roma, 2008, pp. 215-223.


- The Problem of the Ptolemaic Sibling Marriage: A Case of Dynastic Acculturation?, in: P. McKechnie & Ph. Guillaume (eds.), Ptolemy II Philadelphus and his World, Leiden, 2008, pp. 291-302.


-   Review of: S. Colvin (ed.), The Greco-Roman East. Politics, Culture, Society (Cambridge 2004), AWE 8 (2009), pp. 341-4.


- “God and King as Synoikists: Divine Disposition and Monarchic Wishes Combined in the Traditions of City Foundations for Alexander’s and Hellenistic Times”, in: L. Foxhall / H.-J. Gehrke / N. Luraghi (eds.), Intentional History. Spinning Time in Ancient Greece, Stuttgart, 2010, pp. 265-274.


?   Cooperation with foreign universities and professors


-         Spring/summer semester 1995Visiting professor of the University of Crete.

-         February 1996Visiting professor of the British Academy.

-         1996-7Visiting member of the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton).

-         February 2007Visiting professor of the University of Cyprus.

-         Corresponding member of the Deutsches Arch?ologisches Institut and member of various scholarly societies. Member of the editorial/advisory board of the periodicals Archaiognosia, Classica et Mediaevalia, Mediterraneo Antico, Pharos.