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Aegeus: Society for Aegean Prehistory ?爱琴史前研究协会
(发布日期: 2016-08-10 21:13:19  阅读:次)    



Aegeus Society for Aegean Prehistory

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Aegeus - Society for Aegean Prehistory was established on 1 March 2009 and is a non-profit organisation with research, cultural and educational objectives. It is managed by its Fellows and consists of members (actual members and legal representatives). Its  Fellows are:

  • Anastasia Christophilopoulou

  • Ioanna Galanaki

  • Nektarios Karadimas

  • Elina Kardamaki

  • Elena Maragoudaki

  • Evi Margaritis

  • Ioanna Moutafi

  • Constantinos Paschalidis

  • Tatiana Theodoropoulou

  • Popi Sarri

  • Lefteris Zorzos

The Legal representative of the Society is Nektarios Karadimas.

Fellows and members

To see the Fellows and Members of Aegeus press here

Name and emblem

The name ‘Aegeus’ appears in Linear B script and more specifically in the famoustripod tablet, which was used to confirm the decipherment of the script by Michael Ventris. The Society emblem bears the three relevant signs of Linear B (a3 – ke – u).


The aims of Aegeus are:

  1. The study, research and dissemination of prehistoric archaeology of the Aegean, as well as of regions that are historically related to it.

  2. The formation of a new way of cultural expression and communication that takes advantage of the possibilites offered to the discipline of archaeology by new technologies and particularly the Web.

  3. The strengthening of multidisciplinary collaborations between various scientific and humanities disciplinary and interdisciplinary fields (bioarchaeology, arcaeobotany, zooarchaeology, geoarchaeology, philology, philosophy, anthropology, history etc.).

  4. The protection and increase of public awareness of the prehistoric cultural heritage of the Aegean, in collaboration with the relevant authorities.